Friday, August 29, 2014


So Apparently there is a thing called the Liebster Award.  Rudimentary blogger that I am, I was unaware until Adrianne at Oilfield Wife Life was kind enough to nominate me.  Thank you Adrianne!!

It seems the Liebster is an award that gets passed around through your fellow bloggers.  It gets the word out about new and upcoming blogs you may not have heard about.  There are a few rules that must be followed should you choose to accept your award.  And WHO doesn't want to accept an award?!?  

First you must answer a few questions that were prepared for you by the blogger who nominated you.  In turn you will ask some "get to know you" questions of the bloggers you nominate.  You should then nominate eight small blogs (under 200 followers), that you personally enjoy, to receive the Liebster as well.  Then just inform the lucky nominees, ask them their set of interview questions, and voila! You have validated your fellow bloggers hard work.

There are those who view this award as a chain letter of sorts.  To them I say "ridiculous!"  You are just receiving acknowledgment for your blog and choosing to acknowledge blogs you like.  Pass the love, man!

Now, on to completing my interview.  Adrianne has asked me the following:

1) How did you come up with your blog name?

This one's easy and that's a good thing because I'm not that bright.  My son's name is Harrison.  I write all about my experiences surviving him.  Therefore, you have it- otherwise known as LAZY SUNDAY MY ASS.  Again for obvious reasons.  When was the last time you enjoyed a lazy Sunday with a  toddler?  Mmmm, hmmmm.  I thought so.

2) Do you still live in the town you grew up in?

Dear god NO!  I blew that popsicle stand at eighteen.

3) What is your guilty pleasure?

Alcohol in copious (although responsible) amounts.  Copious.

4) What is one place you would like to travel that you have not already been?

Ooooooh, this is a good one.  I want to go EVERYWHERE.  Diving the Barrier Reef is high on my list.  I also want to dive with sharks!!

5) What is your favorite place to shop online?

I am a full fledged Amazon junkie.  We get packages on our doorstep almost daily. 

6) If you could meet anyone (dead or alive) who would it be?

IF he ever lived, I'd love to meet Jesus and find out if he thinks it's  bat shit crazy that people live their whole lives around what he supposedly said and did.

7)  If you could use only one word to describe yourself, what would it be?

Snarky.  I wish it was something like elegant, but that is just NOT an apt description.

8)  How long have you been blogging?

I guess about a year and a half now.  Shouldn't I be getting more freakin' traffic by now?

9)  How many languages can you speak?

That depends on what you mean by "speak".  I'll claim fluent English.  I took two years of Spanish and I know how to ask for a restroom just like a local.  I also speak "Harrison".  You may be unfamiliar.  It's my son's special- I'm so angry all anyone can hear is screeching language.  I'm an expert decipher-er.

10)  What did you want to be when you grew up?

A marine biologist.  Or at least a fake one like George Costanza.

Now drum roll please.........................
I nominate the following blogs for the auspicious Leibster Award as well:

  • Divine secrets of a domestic diva

  • Not your average mom

  • Motherhood WTF

  • First time mom and dad

  • How to survive life in the suburbs

  • The pregnancy diaries

  • Unpinterested Mom

  • Just another manic momday 

I hope you all choose to accept your awards!  Here is your list of questions from one blogger to another:

1)  What's the most humiliating thing you've ever admitted via blogging?

2)  Who is your absolute favorite blogger?

3)  Blogging- hard work or free therapy?

4)  How personally do you take your blog comments (or lack thereof)?

5)  What topic have you always wanted to blog about but fear the implications?

6)  Do you attempt to avoid controversial topics while blogging?

7)  Has a fellow blogger's piece ever caused you to do a spit take while reading?  Who?

8)  How much time do you devote to your blog?

9)  What initially inspired you to start a blog?

10)  Name your biggest pet peeve.

I hope to hear back from you all.  Enjoy the nominations!

If you enjoy my blog FOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK!

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