Tuesday, May 21, 2013


It is 2AM right now and I cannot sleep a bit. Today was a horrifically tragic day for Oklahoma. Once again our state has been violently hit by tornados.

If you live in Oklahoma, tornados become a very common part of life. Many people become so accustomed to hearing precaution sirens that they go outside to watch the storm rather than take shelter.
Repetition can cause desensitization.

What none of us ever get used to are the storms that come through and destroy whole towns. Every few years we get shaken out of our complacency and reminded that people die in these tornados.

Today there have been many, many confirmed deaths. Tragically, there were a number of children included in those numbers. More will be reported as the days pass, and missing persons are found deceased.

I am once again lucky to be safely inside my intact home, with all members of my family accounted for. I am selfishly grateful.

My baby is snuggled up in bed with his Thomas Jammies on. I've been into his room repeatedly tonight. His little hands are tucked sweetly against his cheek and he is snoring.

He is blissfully unaware that his mommy cannot protect him from everything, but that's all I can think about.

I know there are mothers near me, this evening, that are searching for their children. I know there are fathers already mourning theirs.

I humbly count myself as a parent who cannot fathom that misery. If you are one of the moms or dads that cannot say the same, just know that I am thinking of your babies with every breath mine takes.

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